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Slavenhandel door MCC-schip de Enigheid (The Unity: From Africa to Berbice with Human Cargo)

We Who Wear The Mask of Identity: Class and Centricities in a Pandemic

" You cannot heal under a mask, Angela ", said Will, the Lou Gossett, Jr. character to the Regina King character , in the popular " Watchmen " series. Masked & Enslaved in Brazil. Covid 19 is an assassin, a sniper, picking us off, robbing us of good people. It comes masked and has unmasked the underbelly of capitalism. It operates as if independent of the state: our governors and their politics. It is not. No country, or group within, will escape this virus. But some countries, 'races' and ethnicities will lose more because of the same historical evil that has turned us, its victims, into each-other's socio-econo-political enemies.  Covid 19 is stalking the monied class and their money too; by picking off those historically exposed, at the gates of the palaces, and on whose backs the money is made.  A select few made even more riches on account of the pandemic. Political nobility, charged with enforcing the rules, seem distracted with image and pow